March 30 – New Moon in Aries

With the New Moon in Aries this Sunday we get a once in a year opportunity. This, the first New Moon of the astrological year falls at 9˚ 59’ Aries and is thus particularly potent if you have anything at or near this degree of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn

As the first sign of the zodiac Aries is about new beginnings and initiations . The new Moon is also about the new. The double does of newness can make this the most powerful new moon of the year. In some ways this is a better time to evoke your New Years resolutions then back on the first of the year.

What do you want to begin? Where do you want to put your energy? Where are you lacking drive? Where are you impatient?

On Sunday explorer these areas of your life. Writing them down as wishes to bring to you or remove from you. Use this Moon to set your intention and your desired actions  for the rest of the year.

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