Over the years I have spoken and written on parenting and astrology on a number of occasions. In fact, it is one of my favorite ways to work. I find this work so enriching, and love sharing this tool. One day, hopefully not in the too distant future, I will write a book on this tool that is of benefit to astrologers and non-astrologers alike.
Until then, check out my new e-booklet: Stellar Insights: Enriching the Relationship Between Parent and Child with Astrology. It started out as a pamphlet but at 20+ pages it’s now in that in-between place of too long to be a pamphlet and too short to be a book.
Just click the link to get the PDF and feel free to share the link with friends and family. Although the target reader of this e-booklet is for the non-astrologer, people with all levels of astrological knowledge will find benefit in reading it. Enjoy.
Light and laughter