Helping While Home-bound

Like many around the world, I find myself sheltering-in-place. And in these unprecedented times, I have spent a lot of time turning inward to see where and how I can be of most help. To be honest, when life first began on the trajectory, we now find ourselves, I became a little frantic in my desire to be of help to family, friends, neighbors, clients, and students. In those early days, that feel like 3-months, not 3-weeks ago, I created a two-page list of all the classes I was going to develop and launch in a week.

The Poetry of Mercury Retrograde

Once again, Mercury, the messenger, is moving backward through the sky. Although the term Mercury Retrograde is becoming ever more common, it is often misunderstood. So, before I take you too far down the rabbit hole, here is a little context as to what is happening. Firstly, when a planet is retrograde, yes, all planets go retrograde; it is not, in fact, moving backward; it merely appears to be from our perspective on Earth. I often explain it to clients by likening it to the sensation of driving by an 18-wheeler and experiencing the feeling of drifting backward.

Jan. 2019 Lunar Eclipse

There’s been a lot out there on the inter-webs about tonight’s Super Wolf Blood Moon. A mouthful to be sure, it sounds a lot more fantastical than it really is. That’s not to say that a total lunar eclipse is without significance. But before we get into its meaning let’s first demystify some of the other language being attached to it.